Institute for Inspiring Children’s Futures launched with help from young people and Deputy First Minister

Date: 12th July 2017
Category: Special protection measures

Young people from across Europe joined Deputy First Minister John Swinney at the launch of the Institute for Inspiring Children's Futures which will work to tackle the root causes of social inequality and adverse childhood experiences.

The Institute is a partnership between the Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children (CELCIS), the Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice (CYCJ) and the University of Strathclyde. It aims to bring together world-class professionals and researchers with the shared vision of ensuring children and young people facing adversity have what they need to reach their full potential.

At the launch, young people from France, Spain and Latvia spoke of their experiences of child stigma. The Institute will work closely with the practitioners, services and systems supporting children and young people across Europe, including those affected by offending, and those in need of protection in order to tackle the root causes of social inequality.

John Swinney said "This Government is committed to giving every child born in Scotland the opportunity to fulfil their potential, and giving young people the best possible chance in life is the central purpose of the new Institute for Inspiring Children's Futures.

"The Institute will help protect children and help them overcome adversity by drawing on the skills and knowledge of professionals in Scotland and working internationally. It is an exciting collaboration, with CELCIS and CYCJ at its heart - two organisations, funded by the Scottish Government, with a wealth of expertise in supporting young people in Scotland."

Claire Lightowler, Director of CYCJ, also commented on the launch of the Institute:
"The new Institute is a significant development for both the University of Strathclyde and the sector. The partnership opens up doors for our combined work to spread wider and further and with greater impact."

The Institute of Inspiring Children's Futures will be driven by a commitment to promote the rights of children nationally and internationally, guided by the principles within the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child."