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xNew report highlights how European countries can support refugee children
Date: 17th January 2018
Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children
Eurochild and SOS Children's Villages have released a research report which aims to help child protection services in European countries respond to the needs of refuge and migrant children, including unaccompanied children.
The report, which is entitled 'Let Children be Children: Lessons from the Field on the Protection and Integration of Refugee and Migrant Children in Europe', discusses the way in which those who work with refugee and migrant children and young people can support and empower them as they arrive and settle in a new country. For example, helping children as they go through the asylum process, family reunification procedures, and settle in a new community.
Work for the study was carried out in a variety of European countries including Austria, Germany, the UK, Ireland and Serbia. Global Refugee Coordinator for SOS Children's Villages International said of the report:
'We very much hope that the practices in this report will assist policymakers and practitioners to identify shortcomings and to develop and implement workable solutions that ensure all children can access their right to quality care, regardless of whether they carry the "refugee" label with all its connotations.'