Care Review begins ‘Journey’ stage

Date: 27th June 2018
Category: Care Experienced children

After listening to the voices of over 850 children, young people and adults with care experience, the Independent Care Review has published findings from its Discovery Stage and has also revealed more details about the work it will undertake in its next Journey stage.

The Discovery Stage

The Discovery Stage involved the Chair of the Care Review, the Secretariat, the Discovery Group and the Who Cares? 1000 Voices team travelling across Scotland to listen to the voices of groups and individuals with care experience. As well as consulting with over 850 people with care experience, the group also consulted with members of the paid and unpaid workforce.
Based on what was heard in the Discovery stage, a series of Intentions were developed to guide the next stage of the work.


The Discovery Group identified that every conversation with children and young people related to three key agendas: Rights, Love and Stigma. It was agreed that it was crucial for the Care Review to undertake work to understand the impact of Rights, Love and Stigma on children and young people who experience care.


The Journey Stage

The Journey Stage will begin to deliver improvements for children and young people who experience care. The Care Review will be using traffic light symbols to identify, stimulate and support change.

  • Red light - for practice and experiences that should stop happening;
  • Amber light - ideas and improvements that need to be tested and understood;
  • Green light - for immediate improvement and great practice that needs to be rolled out.
  • Read more about the Journey Stage here.