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xApplications open for Children’s Hearing System’s children and young people’s board
Date: 12th September 2018
Child justice system, Children of prisoners, Care Experienced children, Respect for the views of the child
Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) has opened applications for their new board which aims to bring together children and young people who are interested in influencing and shaping the Children’s Hearings System in Scotland.
Our Hearings, Our Voice state, “Being part of OHOV is a great opportunity to develop new skills, experience, confidence and friendships. The board will be involved in a range of activities that work towards improving the Children’s Hearings System in Scotland. This is the first group of Board Members and they will be fully involved in shaping how OHOV develops in the future.”
OHOV welcomes applications from children and young people from diverse backgrounds and those with protected characteristics. Children and young people interested in applying must be aged 8-18, have experience of the Children’s Hearings System, be able to take part in OHOV meetings on 4-6 Saturdays a year. Applicants must also have a trusted adult who can support them to travel to meetings in different parts of Scotland however, OHOV state they will try to help children and young people if this is an issue.
Applications close at noon on Monday the 1st of October 2018.
Children and young people can ask for an application pack by calling Our Hearings, Our Voice recruitment freephone line on 0131 605 6468 which is open from 10.00am - 10.00pm Monday to Friday and 10.00am – 4.00pm on a Saturdays until the 1st of October 2018.