Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland gives the first Rhodri Morgan Annual Lecture

Date: 12th February 2019
Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities


A historic moment for Brue Adamson, the Children and Young People’s Commissioner, happened on 25th September as he was asked to give the first Rhodri Morgan Annual Lecture focusing on children’s rights at the Senedd, or the National Assembly of Wales.

It’s the first in a series of annual lectures in memory of the First Minister of Wales (2000 to 2009) Rhodri Morgan. Morgan was committed to children’s rights and responsible for establishing the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales. Mr. Adamson took this opportunity to compare how Scotland and Wales have delivered on realising the human rights of children and young people in the years since devolution, focusing on what has been achieved and highlighting what still needs to be done.

To watch the Annual Rhodri Lecture click here