UNHCR Report: Remove child migrants from detention centres

Date: 21st February 2019
Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation


The UNHCR published a new report urging authorities to end detention of children for immigration purposes, integrate children in their national systems, and provide them with the guardianship systems.

Unaccompanied children should be provided with the relevant information on their rights, available services, and reunited with their families as soon as possible. This is a part of 13 recommendations provided in the report, which in addition provides analysis of 2018 migration trends, predictions for 2019, and discusses the situation in relation to Mediterranean Sea crossings. According to Newsbook “ the report paints a damning picture of the reception of desperation at the hands of insensitivity and is a shocking testimonial to comfortable complacency in the face of hopelessness, fear and misery”.
The full report is available here