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xTogether submits shadow report to UN Committee against Torture
Date: 26th March 2019
Equal protection from violence, Restraint, Care Experienced children, Protection from abuse or neglect, Right to life, survival and development, Best interests of the child, UN Convention Against Torture (CAT)

Together has submitted a shadow report to the UN Committee against Torture for consideration as part of its 2019 review of the UK. This report highlights key concerns expressed by our members, and suggests recommendations the UN Committee could make to address these.
The report focuses on children and young people’s right to be free from torture, cruel or inhuman treatment under the UN Convention against Torture. It reflects issues raised by the UN Committee in its 2016 List of Issues.
Areas highlighted in Together's shadow report include:
- Brexit and human rights
- Domestic abuse
- Rights of asylum seeking and refugee children
- Strip searches of children and young people
- Restraint and pain compliance in Young Offenders Institutions (YOIs)
- Mental health and suicides in YOIs
- Inappropriate placement of children and young people in YOIs
- Restraint and seclusion in schools and care settings
- Physical punishment of children by parents and carers
- Minimum age of criminal responsibility
- Mosquito devices
The UN Committee will now consider the reports received in advance of the UK's formal review which takes place in Geneva on 7-8th May 2019.
We would like to thank the following members and supporters for their contributions to the report: