Together and the ALLIANCE to host consultation events on UNCRC incorporation

Date: 28th June 2019
Category: Incorporation


Together and the ALLIANCE are hosting two consultation events on the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law. The events will take place in Glasgow on 8th July 2019, and Edinburgh on 11th July.

It is crucial that a model of incorporation is developed that provides optimal outcomes for children, young people, and their families across Scotland. We will be joined by a Scottish Government colleague who will give an overview about the consultation and the key areas they are looking for views on. Juliet Harris, Director of Together, will also provide input on the work of the independent Incorporation Advisory Group, convened by Together and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, which produced a draft Bill for incorporation.

Delegates will then have an opportunity to discuss their views, which will help inform the Alliance and Together’s responses. The event should also help delegates to form their own responses to the Scottish Government.

If you have any questions or queries, please email