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xUsing CRWIA to promote child-rights-based decision-making
Date: 5th June 2019
Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

In a project conducted by the Human Rights Clinic at University of Edinburgh in partnership with Together, LLM students explored the role of CRWIA (Children’s Rights and Well-being Impact Assessment) in improving rights-based decision-making. Two groups of students explored various international examples of impact assessments and drew learning to analyse the effectiveness of CRWIA in Scotland.
The students produced two reports to set out where Scotland is doing well in its use of CRWIA and what more could be done. These reports were presented to Scottish Government officials in April 2019 . Each report makes several recommendations as to how the effectiveness of CRWIA can be enhanced and improved in order to ensure all decisions made by government have children’s human rights at the centre. Scottish Government welcomed the work of the students and has stated that the students’ recommendations would be taken on board.
Read the two reports here
Scottish Government CRWIA model can be accessed here.