UK’s Voluntary National Review of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Date: 15th July 2019
Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Child poverty


The UK’s first Voluntary National Review takes stock of progress towards the 17 Goals.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or Global Goals) are aimed at making the world a fairer, healthier, safer and more prosperous place for everyone by 2030.

The report sets out how the UK Government, businesses, civil society and the public are making progress towards the goals, and the challenges that remain.

Secretary of State Rory Stewart launched the report on 26th June from Torriano Primary School in north London. Speaking at the event, he said:

“This amazing primary school in London is arranged completely around the Global Goals, in other words the children here are studying a normal curriculum but they’re doing it by thinking about poverty, by thinking about water quality by thinking about air quality and by thinking about their fundamental rights and the interests of the planet.”

All of the SDGs are relevant for children and the individual goals can be mapped against the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Unicef has produced a useful tool highlighting the links between the SDGs and articles of the UNCRC.