New report highlights attainment gap in England

Date: 26th August 2019
Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Child poverty


Teach First has published an investigation exploring the difference in results between young people who attend schools in England’s richest and poorest communities.

The charity reveals that pupils attending schools in the poorest areas are much less likely to pass compared to those who attend schools in the wealthiest areas, across all subjects.

In geography, half (50%) of pupils living in disadvantaged areas fail to get a ‘Standard Pass’, compared to 27% of pupils living in the wealthiest areas. Meanwhile, two in five (38%) pupils from the poorest postcodes did not pass GCSE maths, nearly twice as many as those from the most affluent postcodes (20%).

Children from disadvantaged areas were also much less likely to get the top three grades compared to their peers living in wealthier areas. In maths, 13% of pupils living in the poorest neighbourhoods got the top three grades, compared to 26% of pupils living in the wealthiest areas.