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xConsultation on the Children (Scotland) Bill
Date: 8th October 2019
Family Environment and Alternative Care

Closing date: 15th November 2019
The Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee is asking for views on the Children (Scotland) Bill.
The Bill, introduced by the Scottish Government on 2 September 2019, makes changes to how disputes in relation to children are settled when families break down. This includes changes to ensure that the voice of the child is heard in court proceedings. The Bill also includes measures aimed at protecting the best interests of children, such as requiring child contact centres to be regulated.
The Committee welcomes views on any issue relating to the Bill, including views on any of the following areas:
- voice of the child
- child’s best interests
- child welfare reporters and curators ad litem
- actors to be considered by the court when making contact and residence orders
- other requirements on the court
- vulnerable witnesses, contact centres
- enforcement of orders
- contact with siblings
- births registered outwith the UK
- children’s hearings and practical, financial or other impacts of the Bill
Read more about the consultation, here.
Read more about the Bill, here.