PINS Event: Putting health and wellbeing at the heart of children’s educational experience

Date: 9th December 2019
Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities


The event, held on Tuesday 12th November 2019 in Glasgow, took a broad look across the dimensions of health and wellbeing curriculum to explore the progress made and how far there is to go to meet the needs of all children and young people.

The event saw thought-provoking presentations from a number of contributors that emphasised the need for a holistic approach to promote (and learn about) health and wellbeing. It was also emphasised that this approach should take an account of the stage of growth, development and maturity of each individual, and the social and community context.

The topics explored included:

  • What can we learn about children and young people’s health and wellbeing needs and concerns from contact with ChildLine?
  • Drugs education in Scotland: What do children and young people want and need?
  • How does diet impact the lives and education of children and young people?
  • What do we know about children and young people’s engagement in physical activity and how can we increase it?
  • What do children and young people want and need from their Relationship, Sexual Health and Parenthood education?
  • Tracking and embedding wellbeing in school.
  • Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of education staff.

Read more about the event and access the speakers’ presentations.