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xSurvey examines the worldwide impact of COVID-19 on children with an incarcerated parent
Date: 11th June 2020
Children of prisoners

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit our most vulnerable populations the hardest, including children with an incarcerated parent. This global survey sought to uncover the experiences of these children, as reported through organisations that support them. It discovered the shared experience of these organisations and the challenges faced when supporting children with an incarcerated parent.
The survey received responses for 57 people in 14 different countries across 6 continents and aims to inform essential discussions for enhanced support and shared learning to improve circumstances for children and young people around the world.
The results offer a worldwide insight to the following questions:
- How have visits to prisons / jails changed since the start of the COVID-19 crisis (if at all)?
- If prisons and jails releasing people early, what are the criteria for this?
- What specific challenges are children and families facing in your state / country as a result of COVID-19?
- What support is available for children and families in your area?
- How is your own, or your organisation’s ability to respond to the needs of the families and children of prisoners at this time?
- What new innovations have been put in place to support children with incarcerated parents as a result of the pandemic (if any)?
- Any good practice worth sharing?
- Any practice that needs to improve? What can we learn from this?
Read the survey report in full here