Together submits report to UN Committee

Date: 10th December 2020
Category: Scotland-specific monitoring and reporting, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC


The report highlights 30 key issues for children in Scotland and will inform the initial stages of the UK’s next review by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

It draws upon evidence gathered through our State of Children’s Rights Webinar Series in which over 500 participants took part during the summer to highlight gaps in legislation, policy and practice, including:

  • Barriers in accessing justice
  • Gaps in data collection
  • Efforts to engage children in decision-making which are often tokenistic or missed
  • Minimum age of criminal responsibility falls below international standards
  • Inappropriate use of restraint
  • Increasing child poverty and widening health inequalities.

The UN Committee will review all the evidence submitted before publishing its ‘List of Issues Prior to Reporting’ (LOIPR) in February 2021. The LOIPR will ask the UK and devolved governments to provide information on specific topics. 

Thank you to everyone who helped shape this report, and the 63 organisations that signed up to support it.

We've also produced a blog to accompany the report which explains the different steps of the reporting process. 

  • Read the full report here.  
  • Read our blog to accompany the report here.
  • Learn more about the UNCRC monitoring process here.