New report highlights the impact of ‘Pride & Pixels’ digital youth work

Date: 13th January 2021
Category: COVID-19, Mental health

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‘Pride & Pixels’ is a digital youth work platform developed in response to COVID-19 to support young members of the LGBTI community.

The platform offers a safe and inclusive space for young LGBTI people to access vital information and connect with friends and youth workers. From a sample of 22 young people who engaged with Pride & Pixels, the report reveals the platform has had and continues to have many successes, including:

  • 90% of people participating in Pride & Pixels felt an increased amount of connection, which was thought to have been crucial after previous studies suggested that lockdown could potentially trigger a mental health crisis for the young LGBTI community.
  • 86% of young people experienced reduced feelings of isolation.
  • 77% felt that their wellbeing had improved.

Read the full report here.