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xHuman Rights Tracker UK Report
Date: 15th September 2022
Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

The Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) is a global initiative to track the human rights performance of countries. Data for 2021 is now available to see how well human rights are protected across the UK.
Information is provided by human rights experts, practitioners and National Human Rights Institutions through surveys. The data reveals various aspects of the extent to which the UK and devolved government protect human rights, for example graphing how well the government is doing relative to its income, how well it is respecting each right and the groups of people most at risk of having a right violated.
According to the HRMI, children as a group are particularly at risk of having their right to food violated as well as their right to be free from torture or ill-treatment. The data also reveals specific groups of children who are less likely to access their right to education such as children of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, children of low income families, disabled children and young Black and minority ethnic boys.
- Read the latest data here.
- Read the UK report here.