Let’s catch up!

Date: 17th January 2023
Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

Three people talking through video call

December was a super busy month for all of us, so grab a cup of tea and let’s catch up on what Together got up to before the holidays and what you might have missed, including our report to the UN and activities for Human Rights Day!

Report to the UN

The UK’s children’s rights record will soon be reviewed by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child and so the policy team kept their heads down through December to write our shadow report for Scotland. We would like to thank all of our members for their valuable contributions to this big piece of work which is due to be launched in early February.

Human Rights Day

On Human Rights Day, our communications team celebrated by putting a membership spotlight on Who Cares? Scotland, promoting the work that they do for Care Experienced people across Scotland. Keeping in line with the theme of Human Rights Day - ‘Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All’ - Judi our Policy and Communications Intern shared an insight into her research during her LLM placement with Together. The research explored different countries approach to incorporation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) and advocates for better access to justice for children in Scotland through the new Human Rights Bill.

The Rights Detectives

Lots of successful meetings happened over the course of the month in two of our exciting projects. The Rights Detectives carried out a special mission from the Scottish Government, investigating what matters most to children and young people to make sure their voices are included in Scotland’s new Human Rights Bill.

Skills & Knowledge Framework

The Skills and Knowledge Framework team held their first meeting with the Professional Panel to begin collaborating on the requirements of duty bearers which will be necessary for the full implementation of children’s rights in Scotland under the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill.

It has been a busy and successful ending to 2022 and we have lots more planned for the coming year, so don’t forget to follow us on our social media to keep up to date!