Quick! Encourage children and young people to share their views on participation

Date: 17th January 2023
Category: Respect for the views of the child

'Listen to us' animation of children faces

Children and young people aged 12-25 are invited to share what they think it looks like for a decision-maker to gather and act on children and young people’s views in a meaningful way.

Responses will help to support Scottish Government, as duty bearers, to work to ensure children and young people’s right to be heard is respected.

There are three surveys you can take part in, each on a specific part of participation within a different Scottish Government policy area, including:

  • Violence against women and girls
  • Education exchange
  • Gambling-related harms

Children and young people are invited to respond to all three surveys. Children and young people who participate have the opportunity to redeem a code for Young Scot points at the end and also have the chance to enter into a prize draw to win vouchers or a pair of Apple AirPods!

The surveys are part of ‘The Right Way’ project - a year-long initiative run by the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) and funded by the Scottish Government’s Children’s Rights Unit.

The deadline for these surveys is Monday 23rd January 2023.