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xOUT NOW - our child-friendly version of the Human Rights Bill Consultation Analysis
Date: 21st March 2024
Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

On Thursday the 21st of March 2024, we published our child-friendly version of Scottish Governments Consultation Analysis Report. This report is the fourth in the series and shares what the Scottish Government asked, how people answered and what children and young people told us during our Investigations.
The Rights Detectives are a group of children and young people aged 12-17 who are passionate about defending human rights. For the last 21 months, they have been receiving missions from Scottish Government and carrying out investigations with children and young people across Scotland to help shape a new Human Rights Bill for Scotland!
What is this report about?
Last summer, the Scottish Government shared its ideas for the new law and asked what people thought. We helped to create a child-friendly version of the questions so that children and young people could take part too. Nearly 400 people shared their views (including children, young people, adults and many organisations). This report shares the findings from the consultation.
You can find out more about the Rights Detectives and read their previous reports here.