Carer survey on short breaks and respite experiences

Date: 24th June 2024
Category: General measures of implementation, Family Environment and Alternative Care

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The Shared Care Scotland carers’ experience survey will gather carers’ insights and experiences of accessing and using short breaks and respite services in Scotland. This survey is open to all unpaid carers in Scotland.

The survey aims to improve Share Care Scotland’s understanding of the needs of unpaid carers and to make sure that they hear directly from those who use short break services, their carers and their families. With the new development of  'right to a break', it is more crucial than ever to put carers voices at the heart of decision-making.

Shared Care Scotland would like to hear from carers of any age who are providing unpaid support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who needs their help. This could be due to frailty, disability, a long-term health condition, mental ill-health, or substance misuse. You do not need to be living with the person you support or providing a certain number of hours or level of care to be considered a carer.

The survey is online and will be open from May 2024 until July 31, 2024.

Your valuable feedback in the survey will contribute to help inform Shared Care Scotland’s work on future policies, and on the proposed Right to A Break legislation.