An update on progress of our State of Children's Rights Report 2024

Date: 8th August 2024
Category: General measures of implementation, General principles, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

Thank you in text

We are excited to announce that the Engagement Phase for our State of Children’s Rights Report 2024 has come to an end. This marks an important step in the development of the report. We had twelve organisations who participated by facilitating story gathering sessions and engaging children and young people across Scotland in various activities. This is to help inform the report about what life is like for them and changes they would like to see to help them grow happy, healthy and safe in Scotland. Additionally, we made an open call across our social media platforms for children and young people who would like to participate either through an organisation or individually. Overall, we have had contributions from over 150 babies, children and young people!   

We want to say a very big thank you to every baby, child and young person who participated in shaping this report, as well as our partnering organisation for supporting them. Your stories and participation are invaluable in informing the Scottish Government and other duty bearers.  With the Engagement Phase completed, the next phase involves inputting all the stories, activities and responses you’ve shared with us into the report itself. We hope that the report will be ready to be published by late November 2024. 

Please keep an eye out for updates about the report on our website and across social media. 

Once again, a huge thank you to everyone that participated. We could not have done this without you!