Scottish Parliament takes evidence on proposed Education (Scotland) Bill

Date: 19th November 2024
Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities


The Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee has heard evidence from civil society and NHRIs on the proposed Education (Scotland) Bill. The legislation seeks to replace the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) with a new body, Qualifications Scotland (QS), and create an independent Chief Inspector of Education.

Speaking to the Committee last month, a representative from the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland (CYPCS) emphasised that cultural change should be the focus, rather than just reorganising agencies. She argued that the Bill must lay the foundation for long-term reforms to address the needs and priorities of children and young people in Scotland. She also urged the Committee to prioritise the views of children and young people in planning these reforms. Many young people expressed concerns that Qualifications Scotland might end up being too similar to the SQA. The representative also shared concerns around the proposed Learner Interest Committee, fearing that it may be dominated by adults and lack representation from young people themselves.

The evidence was gathered as part of Stage 1 proceedings. The Committee will now prepare a Stage 1 report ahead of a debate on the general principles of the Bill. The parliament has agreed to conclude Stage 1 proceedings before winter recess.