Let’s pledge to prevention together

Date: 11th February 2025
Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

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A new campaign, led by Planet Youth Scotland, is urging organisations and individuals across Scotland to take action for the wellbeing of children and young people. The "Pledge to Prevention" campaign envisions a future where every child in Scotland can grow up healthy, happy, and safe, reaching their full potential.

The campaign emphasises the importance of prevention over intervention. By creating environments that support good decision-making and discourage harmful behaviours, adults can significantly impact young lives. This requires a collective effort from all sectors of society. Signing the pledge commits organisations and individuals from the public sector to community groups to take small but meaningful steps. These actions aim to reduce risks and encourage positive change, ensuring a brighter tomorrow for Scotland's young people.

The "Pledge to Prevention" campaign invites everyone to contribute to a future where Scotland’s children and young people have the best opportunities to thrive.