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  • Minimum age and social rights: Balancing child protection and participation

    Date: 21st November 2018
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published a new set of findings on the differences in legal minimum ages across Europe covering social rights, education, employment and finance, alternative care and mobility.

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  • Report - Inspection of custody centres across Scotland

    Date: 7th November 2018
    Category: Policies & procedures, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Age of criminal responsibility, Children in conflict with the law

    HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland has published a report on police custody that includes recommendations on safeguarding measure related to children and young people. The report outlines the assessments made during inspections of 17 custody centres about the treatment of and conditions for those detained in police custody centres across Scotland.

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  • Report - Making Social Rights work for Children

    Date: 7th November 2018
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: Eurochild

    Eurochild has published its 2018 report on the European Semester, based on assessments provided by 23 Eurochild members in 18 countries. The report aims to highlight Member States’ progress in implementing the European Commission ‘Recommendation on Investing in Children: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage’ and the ‘European Pillar of Social Rights’. It provides an analysis of the extent to which children’s rights and wellbeing are being prioritised within the 2018 European Semester cycle and aims to provide policymakers at EU level with a child-centred perspective to evaluating countries’ progress towards economic and social objectives.

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  • Resource - A guide to strategic litigation in equality and human rights for NGOs in Scotland

    Date: 9th October 2018
    Category: Policies & procedures, Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: Human Rights Consortium Scotland

    A new online guide for NGOs around strategic litigation has been launched by the Human Rights Consortium Scotland.

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  • Report - Fairer Scotland Duty: socio-economic requirements

    Date: 21st September 2018
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms

    In light of the Fairer Scotland Duty which came into effect in April 2018, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has published a report which aims to highlight how duties on public sector bodies in Scotland have worked to reduce socio-economic disadvantage which they define as “a range of factors, including poverty, health, education, limited social mobility, housing and a lack of expectations”.

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  • Children and Access to Justice: National Practices, International Challenges

    Date: 15th November 2016
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation
    Author: Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

    The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law has released a report on access to justice for children which compares practices from several different national jurisdictions, including Scotland.

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  • Voting in the EU Referendum for young people 18 and over - toolkit

    Date: 18th May 2016
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: UK Government

    In encouraging as many voters as possible to take part in the EU Referendum on Thursday 23rd June, the Electoral Commission has produced a toolkit resource to help voters, including young people aged 18 and over, to find more information on voting.

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  • Child Participation Assessment Tool

    Date: 18th May 2016
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation
    Author: Council of Europe

    This Assessment Tool provides specific and measurable indicators with which States can begin to measure progress in implementing Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the participation of children and young people under the age of 18.

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  • New stop and search information video

    Date: 16th February 2016
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Awareness-raising
    Author: Police Scotland

    This new video from Police Scotland provides information on Stop and Search and details of what members of the public can expect and their rights if they are stopped and searched.

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  • Police Scotland: Stop and Search Information Leaflet

    Date: 6th January 2016
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: Police Scotland

    Police Scotland has published a printable version of its leaflet on stop and search, explaining what members of the public can expect, and their rights if they are stopped and searched.

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  • Children’s judicial proceedings animated film series

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Access to appropriate information, Civil Rights and Freedoms, General principles
    Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

    In the context of their work in the area of children and justice, FRA has recently published a series of animation films about rights that children should enjoy when being involved in judicial proceedings.

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  • Action on Sectarianism: a new web portal

    Date: 6th August 2013
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: Youthlink Scotland

    YouthLink Scotland recently hosted an Early Preview event for the new 'Action on Sectarianism' web portal, which hopes to effect long term and lasting change in sectarian behaviour.

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  • Eurochild and EAPN launch Explainer "Towards Children’s Well-Being in the EU"

    Date: 10th April 2013
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: Eurochild

    EAPN and Eurochild have launched their Explainer "Towards Children's Well-Being in the EU", which aims to raise public awareness on child poverty in Europe and on the devastating effects it has on lives of children and families as well as on society as a whole.

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  • Civil Society section updated on the OHCHR website

    Date: 15th January 2013
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

    The civil society section of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights website now has a civil society practical guide as well as their handbook.

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  • Cameras with sound recording should be installed in youth custody and police stations say children and young people

    Date: 14th November 2012
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Equal protection from violence
    Author: Children’s Rights Alliance for England

    CRAE has published a research report presenting children's experiences of violence in custody and setting out their suggestions for creating violence-free custodial settings.

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  • The Doran Review: Report and Scottish Government response

    Date: 13th November 2012
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
    Author: Scottish Government

    The Doran Review Report sets out the strategic vision for provision for children and young people with complex additional support needs in Scotland.

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  • What next for children’s rights in Scotland? Governance Fit for Children Seminar Report

    Date: 28th June 2011
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation, UK 1st periodic review
    Author: Save the Children

    This short report summarises speakers' presentations and the key issues raised at the Governance Fit For Children seminar held on 28 June 2011 in Edinburgh.

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  • Human Rights Watch: Global Report 2011

    Date: 31st January 2011
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation
    Author: Human Rights Watch

    This 21st annual World Report summarizes human rights conditions in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide. It reflects extensive investigative work undertaken in 2010 by Human Rights Watch staff, usually in close partnership with domestic human rights activists.

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  • The Right Stuff

    Date: 15th January 2011
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation
    Author: Various

    The Right Stuff magazine was designed and written by more than 30 under 18 year-olds from across England, with the aim of promoting young people's interest in children's human rights and encouraging them to take action to achieve change for children.

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  • Getting It Right Practice Briefings

    Date: 11th January 2011
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General measures of implementation
    Author: Scottish Government

    The Scottish Government's Getting it right for every child team has published a series of practice briefings for practitioners and managers involved in providing services for children and young people.

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