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  • Extending care provisions to 26: Who Cares? Scotland information paper

    Date: 6th August 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Who Cares? Scotland

    Who Cares? Scotland released an information paper highlighting their call for amendments to Part 8 of the Bill, seeking to secure the right for a young person to stay in/or return to care up to 26 years of age.

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  • Action on Sectarianism: a new web portal

    Date: 6th August 2013
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms
    Author: Youthlink Scotland

    YouthLink Scotland recently hosted an Early Preview event for the new 'Action on Sectarianism' web portal, which hopes to effect long term and lasting change in sectarian behaviour.

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  • Looked After Children at Home: summit update

    Date: 23rd July 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Scottish Government

    Updates have been published from the collaborative session on 16th May 2013, sharing good practice and considering the immediate changes that can start making real improvements in the lives of children looked after at home.

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  • NCB (UK): Early Support for children and young people

    Date: 23rd July 2013
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: National Children's Bureau

    A series of films addressing the questions that every young person has at some point wanted to ask, has been made freely available online by Early Support.

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  • SCRA launches new products for children and young people

    Date: 28th June 2013
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration

    The Scottish Children's Report Administration (SCRA) has introduced two new products for children and young people: a 'Going to Court' film and a magazine called 'The Zone'.

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  • NCB (UK): Getting children involved in shaping local health services

    Date: 28th June 2013
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Respect for the views of the child
    Author: National Children's Bureau

    The National Children's Bureau (NCB) is launching a new resource for local Healthwatch bodies, designed to help them harness the experiences of young users of the health and social care systems.

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  • New website for Growing up in Scotland

    Date: 27th June 2013
    Category: Non-discrimination
    Author: Growing Up in Scotland study

    Growing up in Scotland has a new website and would like you to give your feedback!

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  • SCRA introduces new information leaflets for children and young people

    Date: 25th June 2013
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration

    The Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) has introduced new information leaflets and has revised existing materials for children and young people to ensure that they are compliant with the Children's Hearing (Scotland) Act 2011.

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  • Eurochild's Advocacy Strategy on child poverty and well-being

    Date: 23rd June 2013
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare, Respect for the views of the child
    Author: European Commission

    The European Commission's Recommendation on Investing in Children was adopted in February 2013, and an Advocacy Strategy is now available to help implement it.

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  • NHS Education for Scotland launches Foetal Alcohol Harm e-learning resource

    Date: 20th June 2013
    Category: Basic Health and Welfare
    Author: Children in Scotland

    NHS Education Scotland has recently launched our nation's first on-line course on Foetal Alcohol Harm and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FAS/FASD).

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  • What does the Children and Young People Bill say about...?

    Date: 20th June 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation
    Author: Scottish Government

    The Scottish Government has recently published five fact sheets to help explain what the Children and Young People Bill says about areas including children's rights, GIRFEC and looked after children.

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  • E-learning courses explaining changes to the benefits system

    Date: 20th June 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation
    Author: Child Poverty Action Group

    Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland has developed a new online resource, to help explain the basics of the benefits system and impending changes, suitable for anyone working with families at risk of poverty.

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  • European Commission publishes human rights guidance for 3 business sectors

    Date: 14th June 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation, UK 1st periodic review
    Author: European Commission

    The European Commission has published practical human rights guidance for enterprises in three business sectors: employment and recruitment agencies, ICT companies, and oil and gas companies.

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  • New Respectme Website

    Date: 3rd June 2013
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
    Author: Respectme

    A new, revamped respectme website will shortly be launched at the end of June, continuing to offer practical advice and guidance and making it easier for adults and children and young people to navigate their way round.

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  • UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children Report 2013 focused on children with disabilities

    Date: 3rd June 2013
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities
    Author: UNICEF

    UNICEF's 2013 'State of the World's Children' report is focused on children with disabilities and was launched on 29th May 2013.

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  • Online training: 'We can and must do better'

    Date: 29th May 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Scottish Government

    The Scottish Government have launched extensive online training materials for anyone involved with looked after children, care leavers and their families, in partnership with CELCIS.

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  • Human Trafficking in Europe

    Date: 7th May 2013
    Category: Children in situations of exploitation
    Author: European Commission

    The European Commission has published the first report on trafficking of human beings, in which 23,632 people were identified as, or presumed to be, victims of trafficking in the EU between 2008 and 2010.

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  • Updated looked after children guidance

    Date: 2nd May 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care
    Author: Scottish Government

    The Scottish Government has recently published updated guidance, titled 'Managing allegations against foster carers and approved kinship carers.'

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  • Golden Rules for Participation

    Date: 30th April 2013
    Category: Respect for the views of the child
    Author: Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People

    The Golden Rules of Participation are a set of principles designed to help anyone working with, and for, children and young people.

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  • Scottish Government Equality Outcomes: Age Evidence Review

    Date: 30th April 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation
    Author: Scottish Government

    This paper is part of a series addressing the equality groups of gender, LGBT, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, and pregnancy and maternity.

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Viewing page 28 of 45 giving 889 results