Together works in partnership with several organisations at a Scottish, UK, European and international level to share learning and coordinate on efforts to further children's rights.  

Read more about our key partnerships below.

  • Eurochild

    [Image description: eurochild logo]

    Together is a member of Eurochild, a network of organisations advocating for children’s rights and wellbeing to be at the heart of policymaking in Europe.  Eurochild comprises almost 200 members from 37 European countries and its work is underpinned by the UNCRC.

    Eurochild works to support its members to make a positive impact to children’s rights within their own countries and also at a European level. It does this through various activities including:

    • Sharing information on policy and practice, from Eurochild, members and EU institutions
    • Monitoring and influencing policy development at national and European level
    • Creating interest groups and partnerships between member organisations
    • Representing the interests of its members to international institutions
    • Strengthening the capacity of its members through training, individual advice and support

    Read more about Eurochild and the work. 

  • Child Rights Connect

    [Image description: child rights connect logo]

    Together is also a member of Child Rights Connect, a membership organisation that works to ensure children’s rights as laid out in the UNCRC are respected worldwide. 

    Child Rights Connect is based in Geneva and has around 100 members. It works with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, other UN treaty bodies and NGOs across the world to ensure children’s rights are systematically embedded in human rights mechanisms. This involves supporting members to have their voices heard in UN monitoring processes and making sure children and young people are able to cooperate with the UN in a safe, meaningful and transparent way.  

    Read more about Child Rights Connect. 

  • Rights of the Child UK (ROCK)

    [Image description: Rights of the Child UK logo]

    The Rights of the Child UK (ROCK) is a coalition of voluntary organisations and individuals from across the UK campaigning for the full incorporation of the UNCRC into law. Together sits on the steering group of the coalition along with partner organisations Unicef UK, Child Rights Alliance for England, and the Wales Observatory on Human Rights of Children and Young People. 

    Through coordination, ROCK aims to achieve the following:

    • Active recognition and realisation of children’s rights in the UK through incorporation of the UNCRC into law (devolved and UK level)
    • Identify and act upon opportunities for the incorporation of the UNCRC into law. To develop a detailed position on how incorporation may be achieved and a strategy to achieve it, taking into account international developments.
    • To work together to maximise the opportunities to strengthen children's rights that are presented by proposals from the UK Government, the devolved administrations and opposition parties for a British (or UK) Bill of Rights or similar instrument, and to guard against any threats to children's rights that are posed by the proposals.

    ROCK Conference Reports:


  • Observatory of Children’s Human Rights Scotland

    Together is a founding member of the Observatory of Children’s Human Rights Scotland and is part of the Observatory Steering Group. The Observatory aims to drive forward implementation of children’s human rights in Scotland, with local impact and global learning.

    To achieve this, the Observatory aims to:

    • Strategically advance opportunities for fully realising children’s human rights in practice, policy and legislation.
    • Bring together lived experiences, academic, inter-disciplinary and cross-sector contributions, to exchange and amplify ideas, evidence and expertise, in order to accelerate progress in implementing children’s human rights.
    • Identify gaps in implementing children’s human rights, in terms of particular areas, practice and systems, and how to address these.
    • Grapple with the contentious, problematic and complex challenges inherent to implementing children’s human rights in legislation, policy and practice.

    Find out more about the Observatory.

Find out more!


Read about Eurochild's latest activities & their work with European Parliament


Find out more about the work of the Rights of the Child UK Coalition