A group of children and young people standing in a room with Nicola Sturgeon. Holding a report. A projector screen in the background and tables in front.

The Children and Young People’s Panel on Europe was established in August 2018 and ran until December 2020.

It was made up of 19 children and young people aged 8-19 from across Scotland. All members were too young to vote in the 2016 EU referendum but were clear that their voices mattered and they had a right to be heard. 

Working with Together and Children in Scotland, members of the Panel identified their priority issues in relation to Brexit and made recommendations for the Scottish Government, UK Government and EU decision-makers. 

Their four priority topics were:

  • Opportunities to work and travel abroad
  • EU Funding 
  • Economy, trade and jobs
  • Children and young people's rights

The Panel produced two reports, detailing their views and recommendations: