Getting It Right for Young Gypsy/Travellers

Date: 28th May 2010
Category: Non-discrimination

by Article 12 Scotland

What is it like to live on the fringes of mainstream society and face discrimination on a daily basis? "Getting it right for young Gypsy/Travellers", a report by Article 12 in Scotland's Young Gypsy/Travellers' Lives Project, is launched this month to raise awareness of the lack of cultural specific provision, support and opportunity available to young Gypsy/Travellers and the need for key decision makers and the 'settled' community to 'think inclusion'.

Report recommendations include:

  • Increasing funding for safer and better equipped sites.
  • Better on-site facilities such as education, nurseries, disabled access and social spaces for young people.
  • Provision of activities, such as sport, computer skills and creative pursuits such as art.
  • More direct participation from the community itself.
  • More land/pitches available for rent.
  • Better health provisions.
  • A big push for greater government and local authority support.
  • A marketing campaign aimed at positively promoting the history, traditions and culture of the Gypsy/Traveller community.
  • Implementation and enforcement of equalities laws.
  • Policies put in place to stop the police from pressing charges against families who are parked-up in lay-bys etc, when suitable private or council pitches are not available.

Report author, Beth Cadger, said: "Through giving a voice to these young Gypsy/Travellers, and indeed their community in general, we can start to challenge the evident racism towards this group: Gypsy/Travellers are considered to be an ethnic minority, yet discrimination against them still seems to be all too prevalent, and indeed socially acceptable, in our society. This must change. We need to stand behind young Gypsy/Travellers, and allow them to inform and enlighten the youth of today in order to educate past and indeed future generations, and help end discrimination towards Gypsy/Travellers - the last socially 'acceptable' form of racism in Scotland."

For a copy of the report please email Beth Cadger