Improving Life Chances Engagement Events update

Date: 28th October 2011
Category: General measures of implementation, UK 1st periodic review

Around 500 delegates recently attended five engagement events held across Scotland. The events were an opportunity for people to find out about the Scottish Government's ambitions for children and young people including: the Early Years Change Fund; the Parenting Strategy and proposed legislation.

The events also gave participants a chance to help shape delivery of the change programme through discussion and electronic voting.


Sessions at the events:

  • Rights of Children and Young People Bill
  • Proposed Children's Services Bill
  • Early Years and Early Intervention
  • Barriers to effective joint working


As promised on the day, you can find electronic copies of the presentations, the Minister's keynote address and the results of the electronic voting from each event on the Scottish Government website.

A summary of the notes from the round table discussions will be added shortly.

The questions and comments gathered during the events will form the basis of a Frequently Asked Questions section.