Consultation on proposed updated standards for the Baby Friendly Initiative

Date: 17th July 2012
Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care

UNICEF UK has launched a consultation on proposed updated standards for the Baby Friendly Initiative.

The consultation will be running until Friday 27 July and the organisation is actively looking for feedback from health professionals, academics, peer supporters or anyone else interested in infant feeding and maternity care.


Why are the standards being updated?
The Baby Friendly Initiative has been running in the UK for 16 years and has had a significant impact on routine practice for infant feeding within relevant health services and on UK breastfeeding rates. However there is now a wealth of new evidence relating to what works for mothers and babies in terms of practical / emotional support and the impact of this on infant development. There have also been major changes within UK public services. In light of this, it was agreed that the time had come to review the original standards.

This review has taken the learning from the hundreds of facilities implementing the standards and the current evidence base in order to update the standards so that they continue to support public services to implement the best possible care for mothers and babies in the UK.

The updated standards have the relationship between a mother and her baby at their heart. This relationship lays the foundation for all future relationships, and supporting it will help build long-term health and well-being.

If you have any difficulties completing the survey, or any other questions, please e-mail Jim at UNICEF UK.