Maternal and Early Years National Conference 2015 - call for abstracts

Date: 3rd March 2015
Category: Incorporation, Awareness-raising

This year's Maternal and Early Years conference theme is the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and a call for abstracts has been issued regarding work undertaken in partnership, including cross agency and cross sector collaborative approaches, to delivering the Act in practice.

The Maternal and Early Years Network are looking for creative, innovative and challenging practice examples to be presented in parallel sessions or as marketplace stands. The purpose of which is to:

- provide a platform for the voice of early years practitioners at the national conference
- enrich the national programme with insight from our early years workforce
- share promising and challenging local practice and enable meaningful discussion
- ignite valuable and lasting relationships

The national conference will take place on Thursday 21st May at Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh.