New project launched to increase access to justice in education

Date: 21st September 2017
Category: Access to appropriate information, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched a new project around justice in education which will offer funding and other assistance for claims concerning discrimination in education.

The objective of the new scheme is to increase accesses to justice for victims of discrimination involving schools, further or higher education institutions, or general qualifications bodies. Any claims relating to any of the protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010 will be considered.

The Commission may be able to help by:

  • offering funding for front line advice and representation - by you and / or others;
  • taking appropriate cases "in-house" to be progressed by our dedicated team of discrimination lawyers;
  • offering funding for the cost of disbursements (e.g. representation or medical reports).

Requests for funding or representation can be made by completing this form and emailing it to