Together co-signs statement for the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on human rights

Date: 7th March 2019
Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Family Environment and Alternative Care


Child Rights Connect had prepared a statement to be presented on 28th February at the Human Rights Council’s interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur, Michel Forst, on human rights defenders.

Due to time constraints, the oral statement was not presented during the interactive dialogue. Nevertheless, Child Rights Connect will send a written statement to Mr Forst. The statement welcomes the Special Rapporteur’s report and praises his collaboration with the Convention on the Rights of a Child Committee as “a ground-breaking step in building a global movement of children human rights defenders.” The statement also urges “Member States and the UN to build on the Day of General Discussion’s impact and continue to deepen the understanding of the rights and needs of children human rights defenders….” Together and 16 other organisations were co-signatories of the statement sent to Mr. Forst, which can be read here.

To read about Human Rights Council day of interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders click here.