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xNew visual for the Children and Families Directorate
Date: 30th April 2019
Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms
Scottish Government’s Children and Families Directorate has been working on a new visual to articulate the purpose and approach to Getting it Right for Every Child.
The newly revealed visual and accompanying narrative set out how the Directorate’s work contributes to the national outcomes in the government’s refreshed National Performance Framework, and establishes the national outcome relating most closely to children as their directorate purpose: we grow up loved, safe and respected, so that we realise our full potential.
The visual and narrative will help to maintain coherence between the work of different teams across the directorate, as well as providing the clear link with the National Performance Framework. Whilst Children & Families will use this primarily for internal purposes, it will help provide focus and clarity for their work.
Click here to see the new visual
Click here to see the new narrative