Together launches #RightTime blog campaign series

Date: 30th April 2019
Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC, Scotland-specific monitoring and reporting, General measures of implementation, General principles, Incorporation


Following on from the First Minister’s commitment to incorporation of the UNCRC within the next two years, Together are publishing a series of blogs over the month of May to highlight that now is the #RightTime to incorporate. Case studies from Together’s members show why it is vital for children and young people’s rights to be enshrined in Scots law.

Our #RightTime blogs will demonstrate where Scotland is getting it right, and what more needs to be done to make rights real for all children and young people across Scotland. The themes for the blogs have came directly from recommendations made by children and young people – Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) at their Rights Review event (April 2018) and by Members of the Children’s Parliament (MCPs) in the What Kind of Scotland? (2017) publication.

Together hopes for these blogs to raise awareness and understanding of what children and young people are saying about their rights, and the impact that incorporation could have on their lives.

Scottish Government will be launching their consultation on incorporation in May 2019 and we hope our #RightTime blogs can encourage and support as many people as possible to respond to the consultation.

Make sure you keep up to date with our daily blogs by following us on Twitter, Instagram or directly on our blog. Also, do share our blogs across social media and tell us why you think it’s the #RightTime to put children and young people’s rights into law.