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xFirst reports from public bodies due under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
Date: 9th April 2020
General measures of implementation
Public bodies are expected to publish their first report this month on what they are doing within Scotland to better secure or give further effect to children’s rights.
The reports are required under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 (‘the 2014 Act’) which put the UNCRC into Scottish statute for the first time. The 2014 Act places duties upon Scottish Ministers and public bodies to consider children’s rights and report on the steps they have taken to advance children’s rights. While Scottish Ministers and public bodies are under a duty to report on their implementation of the UNCRC, the 2014 Act does not offer a way to enforce children’s rights if they are violated and accordingly falls short of legal incorporation of the UNCRC.
Scottish Ministers are under a duty to consider, promote, raise awareness and further children’s rights. They must prepare three-yearly reports setting out their actions and the progress they have made. Scottish Government’s first report was published in December 2018 and can be found here.
Public bodies are also under a duty to prepare a report every three years. This month we expect to see their first reports published. A list of public bodies that must prepare a report is set out in the 2014 Act. This includes all local authorities, health boards, the Scottish Qualifications Authority, Police Scotland, and Children’s Hearings Scotland amongst others.