Seeking the views of children and young people

Date: 28th May 2020
Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General principles


Carers Trust Scotland is asking young carers to share their experience of being a young carer in school, university, college in Scotland, or who are in the process of applying to university or college. Clan Childlaw is seeking the insight from children, young people, family members, carers or professionals supporting children and young people about how COVID-19 is and lockdown is affecting them and what they think the long-term impact of the pandemic will be.

The insight developed by the Carers Trust Scotland survey will be used to make education establishments, decision makers and others better understand what it is like to be a young carer and studying, and what more can be done to ensure young carers have the same opportunities, experiences and life chances as other students who do not have caring responsibilities.  

For young carers who are studying at school, all responses to the survey will remain anonymous, however by taking part in the survey young carers will have the opportunity to win a £30 Amazon voucher which is why contact details are required.

For young carers who are currently at, in the process of applying or who have previously attended university or collage, the survey will run until October 2020.

Clan Childlaw is wanting to discover:

  • How are any changes - for example to children’s hearings, care arrangements, living arrangements or contact with family members - affecting you or affecting your future plans?
  • Are there issues you have questions about or are worried about? For example, you or the person you’re supporting may be unclear about how their children’s hearing will be affected, or you might be a young person seeking asylum, or you might have concerns around your housing.
  • What would it be useful for Clan Childlaw solicitors to give you more information on? How would you like to get that information?
  • Is there training that you think would be helpful for Clan Childlaw to provide for people who are caring for or supporting children and young people?
  • Are there other ways Clan Childlaw can help?

The survey results will enable Clan Childlaw is doing their upmost to protect and realise children and young people’s rights during and after the COVID-19, by providing appropriate; responses to enquires, advice, advocacy and representation for children and young people.