Independent Care Review publishes Evidence Framework

Date: 10th July 2020
Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care


The Care Review has published its Evidence Framework which documents the research and evidence which was collated and analysed as part of the review.

Between 2017 and 2020, the Independent Care Review heard the experiences of over 5500 care experienced children, young people, adults and professionals working in the care system to create a vision to improve the care system in Scotland. The work of the Care Review culminated in the publication seven report in February 2020:

  • ‘The Promise’: setting out what needs to change in the care system to ensure children and young people grow up loved, safe and respected
  • ‘The Pinky Promise’: a child-friendly version of those recommendations;
  • ‘Follow The Money’ and ‘The Money’: the human and financial costs of the care system and future investment;
  • ‘The Rules’: how the legislation and system must change; and
  • ‘The Plan’: what must happen now; and
  • ‘The Thank You’: to all those who participated in the review.

The Evidence Framework provides a detailed outline of participation and engagement undertaken, a full summary of the outputs of the Care Review’s commissioning processes and a bibliography of sources consulted. It also includes a synthesis of all the experiences of those who shared their experiences around themes including health, poverty, wellbeing, love and rights.

It is hoped that the Evidence Framework will provide a platform to help navigate the vast amount of research engaged with and undertaken and to signpost to relevant resources, facilitating a more in depth look at a range of issues which were highlighted throughout the Care Review.

  • Read the Evidence Framework here
  • Read about the Independent Care Review here.
  • Read the seven reports from the Independent Care Review here.