2020-21 Scottish Human Rights Commission and Children and Young People’s Commissioner annual reports published

Date: 16th December 2021
Category: General principles, General measures of implementation


The Scottish Human Rights Commission and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner (CYPCS) have laid their annual reports before Scottish Government. In a year that was deeply affected by COVID-19, there was a sharp rise in demand for the their expertise and input given the serious human rights considerations arising from the pandemic.

The Scottish Human Rights Commission’s report covers a range of topics:

  • Human rights issues during the immediate pandemic response – emergency legislation, prison practices and clinical guidance.
  • Scottish Government’s commitment to incorporating human rights directly into Scots Law.
  • Discourse around human rights in the media, social media and within Scottish Parliament and public policy arena.
  • Participation of people with lived experience in the Commissions’ work.
  • The next phase of Scotland’s National Action Plan for Human Rights.

Read the full SHRC report here.

The Children and Young People’s annual report focussed on the responses to COVID-19 and can be read here.