Membership Spotlight: Licketyspit

Date: 28th March 2023

Together's Spotlight Series logo on LicketySpit

We are shining the spotlight on our members Licketyspit and their amazing work including the launch of their Storyplay City project and new film about their Porridge and Play sessions!

Licketyspit is the home of Storyplay Scotland which uses the language of children –play - to support children’s rights, development and wellbeing. This imaginary play approach has come from engaging and consulting with children and continues to support children’s participation in many policy matters in Scotland through their many different projects like Have Your Say Through Play consultations.

Licketyspit offers valuable Storyplay training and is currently working on a Storyplay Handbook so that all adults working with children can communicate through the language of play.

Check out the blogpost to read more about the many amazing projects Licketyspit is currently working on.

Read the blogpost here!