Young Carers Action Day

Date: 8th March 2023
Category: Young carers

Photo shows a child holding hands with a family member who is a wheelchair user. They are smiling warmly at each other.

Young Carers Action Day on the 15th of March is all about raising public awareness of young carers and young adult carers and seeking to bring about change for them and their families. Read on to find out how you can help Carer’s Trust and young carers call on decision-makers to support young carers and young adult carers for this campaigning day.

Young carers and young adult carers tell Carers Trust repeatedly that health and wellbeing are really important to them, but all too often their caring role leaves them feeling overwhelmed. Help young carers and young adult carers campaign to get the support they need by checking out this campaign pack that Carers Trust has prepared to give you ideas and templates on how you can help.

Find more resources on Young Carers Action Day here.