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  • Mental health among adolescents: Key trends and associations

    Date: 3rd November 2015
    Category: Mental health

    Relationships with friends, playing sport at least once a week and reading books all have a positive effect on mental wellbeing in teenagers, according to a new report.

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  • Commissioner’s office launches annual report

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation, General principles

    The Commissioner's office have recently launched their annual report for the 2014-2015 financial year. The office, formally known as SCCYP have changed their name to reflect how children and young people come first.

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  • Vision 2016: Securing better health for Scotland's infants, children and young people

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Mental health, Health and health services, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    RCPCH Scotland has published its 2016 vision for child health in Scotland. It envisions Scotland being one of the healthiest places in the world to grow up, with equal access to resources and communities that value both physical and mental wellbeing.

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  • Year of Young People update

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Awareness-raising, General principles

    The second event in a series that will help shape the Year of Young People 2018 was held in Perth on the 1st October. Attended by over 50 young people and 25 stakeholders, the discussions continued the journey along the road the Year of Young People.

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  • What Works to Reduce Prejudice and Discrimination? A review of international evidence

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Non-discrimination

    The purpose of this Scottish Government report is to examine the existing evidence on what approaches and interventions are most effective at tackling prejudice and discrimination, drawing on UK-based and international studies in various settings.

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  • Annual Report on the Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Child poverty

    The Child Poverty Act 2010 requires Scottish Ministers to publish a Scottish Child Poverty Strategy, review and revise it every three years, and report annually to the Scottish Parliament on measures it has taken to progress the Strategy. This document is the second annual report that relates to the revised Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland (2014), and the fifth annual report in relation to the first Child Poverty Strategy for Scotland, published in 2011.

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  • New legislation will support all children arriving in Scotland alone

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children, Children in situations of exploitation, Child trafficking

    Historic legislation to protect children at risk of trafficking and exploitation was passed in the Scottish Parliament on 1 October 2015. The Human Trafficking (Scotland) Bill now ensures that all children who arrive in Scotland alone and separated from their families have the right to an independent 'guardian' to advise and assist them.

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  • Slapping outlawed as final defence removed in Ireland

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Equal protection from violence

    The move to abolish the justification of 'reasonable chastisement' means Ireland has become the 20th EU member state, and 47th country, to outlaw physical punishment, either directly by outright ban, or indirectly, as in this case.

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  • Eurochild joins Global Coalition Against Child Poverty

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Child poverty

    Eurochild has joined the Global Coalition Against Child Poverty which has launched with an event in New York on ending child poverty through the Sustainable Development Goals.

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  • Children and Young People's Act (Complaints)

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    The Scottish Government is consulting on the provisions contained within the Children and Young People's Act (2014) relating to complaints relating to the named person and the child's plan. This is particular to Parts 4 and Part 5 of the Act. The consultation paper sets out two options for consideration for the management of complaints relating to Parts 4 and/or 5 of the Act.

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  • Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: General principles, Equal protection from violence, Children in situations of exploitation

    The Scottish Parliament's Justice Committee is seeking views on the general principles of the Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm Bill, a Scottish Government Bill which was introduced in the Scottish Parliament on 8 October 2015.

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  • Consultation on the Development of a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    This consultation seeks views on the development of a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland.

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  • Creating a Healthier Scotland

    Date: 27th October 2015
    Category: Social security, Health and health services, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Scottish Government is inviting views on what a healthier Scotland should look like in the next 10-15 years and the steps that should be taken to make this vision a reality. From August 2015 to April 2016 they will hold a national conversation on health and health and social care services in Scotland.

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  • SHRC develop Strategic Plan

    Date: 14th October 2015
    Category: General principles

    The Scottish Human Rights Commission is developing its Strategic Plan for 2016-2020. To help us set our priorities and improve how we work, we would like to hear from people and organisations from across Scotland's diverse communities.

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  • Together takes part in UN meeting as part of UK-wide CRC review

    Date: 13th October 2015
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    Together was in Geneva last week to attend a UN meeting to provide information on children's rights in Scotland.

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  • Together’s response to Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy

    Date: 13th October 2015
    Category: Parental responsibilities, Parental guidance

    Together submitted a response to the Scottish Government consultation on a Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy, to help ensure that the Strategy is developed, implemented and monitored using a rights approach and reflecting the government's obligations under the UNCRC.

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  • OP3 CRC updates - New signatories and ratifications, steering committee changes and new coalition members

    Date: 13th October 2015
    Category: UNCRC Optional Protocols and General Comments

    Argentina became the 17th state party to OP3 with its ratification on 14 April followed by Chile, on 1st of September and Mongolia on 28 September. In addition, following elections in April two new members have joined the steering committee and the Ratify OP3 coalition welcomes 7 new members.

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  • Call for submissions from OHCHR

    Date: 13th October 2015
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children, Children in situations of exploitation, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is organising several consultations and calls for submissions, namely a consultation on unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents, reports on ITCs and child sexual exploitation, investment in the rights of the child and information requested on the dissemination of a child mortality report.

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  • Human Rights Inquiry - call for evidence

    Date: 13th October 2015
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    The European and External Relations Committee would welcome views on the proposed repeal of the Human Rights Act...

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  • Speaking to the UN about and for care experienced young people - new blog post by Shilla Zwizwai

    Date: 13th October 2015
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    Shilla, Ambassador at Who Cares? Scotland has written a new blog for Together outlining her experiences meeting Ms Amal Aldoseri.

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Viewing page 106 of 147 giving 2934 results