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Viewing page 126 of 147 giving 2934 results

  • Minister recognises foster families' dedication

    Date: 20th May 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Children's Minister Aileen Campbell has written to all foster families in Scotland, recognising their energy and dedication in improving the lives of vulnerable children.

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  • Updates on corporal punishment prohibition

    Date: 8th May 2013
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children has published its latest newsletter, which covers a new report on corporal punishment legislation in the European Union, a new review of research on the effects of corporal punishment and new laws towards prohibition in schools, among other features.

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  • New Together job vacancies

    Date: 8th May 2013
    Category: UK 1st periodic review

    Applications for Together's vacanices are now closed.

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  • Research published on family-friendly working places during economic crisis

    Date: 8th May 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    A survey investigating family-friendly working policies in companies in six European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden, UK) finds that employers take family-friendly working seriously and have put in place a range of policies to support this, especially in areas such as flexible working and parental support.

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  • £4 Million Fund Created to Celebrate Commonwealth Games

    Date: 1st May 2013

    Celebrate, a new £4 million fund set up to support Scots to celebrate their part in the Commonwealth before, during and after the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, has opened.

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  • Multimillion regeneration fund to boost disadvantaged communities in Scotland

    Date: 30th April 2013

    A £25 million Regeneration Capital Grants Fund has been developed in partnership with local authorities and will help to transform disadvantaged areas across Scotland.

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  • Raising the minimum age of army recruitment in Britain

    Date: 30th April 2013

    Child Soldiers International makes the case for raising the minimum age of army recruitment to 18 (currently set at 16) in the British armed forces, in a new report published in April 2013.

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  • £50 million investment into new Big Lottery Fund Trust in Scotland

    Date: 29th April 2013

    A massive investment into a new trust by the Big Lottery Fund in Scotland this week is set to transform two priority areas of social care in Scotland.

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  • Ground-breaking Scottish Guardianship Service a model for others

    Date: 26th April 2013
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    The Scottish Guardianship Service, delivered in partnership between Aberlour Childcare Trust and Scottish Refugee Council, has helped to support more than 100 unaccompanied young people going through the asylum system, some of who are victims of trafficking.

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  • NGO Group for the CRC has become Child Rights Connect

    Date: 24th April 2013
    Category: UK 1st periodic review

    To reflect the growth of their activities over the past 30 years, beyond the Convention on the Rights of the Child to all areas of child rights, the NGO Group for the CRC have changed their name to Child Rights Connect.

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  • Border Agency criticised for separating children from parents

    Date: 24th April 2013
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    The United Kingdom's Border Agency separated 200 children from their parents between 2009 and 2012, which caused them adverse effects such as emotional distress, nightmares, insomnia, weight loss and feelings of "extreme isolation".

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  • Teenager wins ruling on detention of 17-year-olds

    Date: 24th April 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The right to contact an 'appropriate adult' now extends to 17-year-olds, after a teenager successfully challenged the law which treats 17-year-olds in police custody as adults, not children.

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  • Creative Enterprise Fund (1)

    Date: 23rd April 2013

    Want to get into the creative industries? Do you have an enterprising idea or project? The Creative Enterprise Fund can offer awards of up to £200 for individuals or £750 for groups of three of more young people, where two thirds of any group are aged between 15-22.

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  • CashBack for Communities Youth Work Fund (1)

    Date: 23rd April 2013

    YouthLink Scotland is delighted to announce the launch of the latest round of the CashBack for Communities Youth Work Fund 2013/14. The closing date for all submissions is 5pm on Friday 3rd May 2013.

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  • Booking open for Together's seminar in Aberdeenshire

    Date: 22nd April 2013
    Category: UK 1st periodic review

    Booking is currently open for Together's 2013 State of Children's Rights seminar in Aberdeenshire.

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  • EU states slow to respond to human trafficking - 15% victims are children

    Date: 19th April 2013
    Category: Access to appropriate information

    Only 6 out of the 27 EU Member States have fully transposed the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive into their national legislation, with the deadline having expired on 6th April 2013.

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  • Updated guidance on information sharing

    Date: 19th April 2013
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    There has been an update from the Information Commissioner's office of guidance on information sharing between services under existing law where a child's wellbeing is at risk.

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  • Extra £10m for third sector organisations

    Date: 18th April 2013

    Minister for Children and Young People, Aileen Campbell, has announced an extra £10m on top of the £20m third sector fund to be shared between 45 organisations working closely with children, young people and families.

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  • Introduction of the Children and Young People Bill to Parliament

    Date: 18th April 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Three and four year old children will, for the first time in Scotland, be entitled to 600 hours of funded early learning and childcare through the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill, published on Wednesday 17th April 2013.

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  • Self-directed support: draft regulations and statutory guidance

    Date: 17th April 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    A public consultation was released on 17th April 2013 on the draft regulations on Carers (Waiving of Charges for Support) (Scotland) Regulations 2014 to accompany the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013.

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