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  • Children and Young People Bill briefing published

    Date: 17th September 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation, UK 1st periodic review, Respect for the views of the child

    Together and Children in Scotland have published a joint briefing on the proposals outlined in the Children and Young People Bill consultation.

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  • Comic Relief UK Grants Programme

    Date: 10th September 2012

    Open to the voluntary and community sector throughout the UK including constituted voluntary and community groups, charities, social enterprises, co-operatives, faith organisations, and community interest companies.

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  • Strengthening Disabled People’s User-Led Organisations Programme

    Date: 31st August 2012

    Disabled People's User-Led Organisations (DPULOs) are run by and for disabled people.

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  • Scottish Grant-Making Trusts Group

    Date: 30th August 2012

    This new website lists trusts and foundations where there is a link to the Scottish Grant-Making Trusts Group, together with a brief summary of their individual criteria.

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  • Resources for Children and Young People for the Children Bill consultation

    Date: 20th August 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Scottish Government is set to introduce a new Children and Young People's Bill later this year.

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  • Take a Break Funding

    Date: 20th August 2012

    The 'take a Break' scheme for families raising disabled children in Scotland has re-opened thanks to confirmation of further funding from the Scottish Government.

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  • Innovation Fund to support Separated Families

    Date: 19th August 2012

    The DWP has launched a new Innovation Fund to support separated families and help them to collaborate in the best interests of their children.

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  • Wolfson Foundation

    Date: 6th August 2012

    The Wolfson Foundation makes grants awards for people with particular health needs or disabilities, often through smaller charities. Grants can be for new buildings, major refurbishment work, equipment or vehicles.

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  • Could you do with £1,000 for an anti-bullying project? Youth Scotland respectme Grants 2012

    Date: 6th August 2012

    National Anti-Bullying Week takes place across Scotland from 19 - 23 November 2012. To mark the occasion, respectme, Scotland's Anti-Bullying Service, wants to encourage and support anti-bullying campaigning at a local level.

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  • Thinking Differently – Young People and Alcohol

    Date: 2nd August 2012

    The Robertson Trust is leading a group of funders from across the UK who have pledged £1.3 million to identify new ways of reducing alcohol-related harm in young people, their families and communities in Scotland. Funding will be available for 3 years from March 2013.

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  • CashBack for Communities Youth Work Fund

    Date: 23rd July 2012

    YouthLink Scotland, the national agency for youth work, is now welcoming applications for the latest round of the Scottish Government's CashBack for Communities Youth Work Fund.

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  • Young people speak up for their rights

    Date: 23rd July 2012
    Category: Respect for the views of the child, General measures of implementation

    On Saturday 7 July 2012, children and young people from across Britain travelled to London to have their say on the future protection of human rights in the UK at a special consultation day organised by the British Institute of Human Rights and the Rights of the Children Coalition UK (ROCK).

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  • Call for Submissions: General Comment on Child Rights and the Business Sector

    Date: 23rd July 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Committee on the Rights of the Child is drafting a General Comment on Child Rights and the Business Sector.

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  • Consultation on 'Getting Our Priorities Right'

    Date: 20th July 2012
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on 'Getting our Priorities Right'. The purpose of this Guidance is to provide an updated good practice framework for all child and adult service practitioners working with vulnerable children and families affected by problematic parental alcohol or drug use.

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  • New child protection website launched

    Date: 20th July 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Scottish Government has launched a new national website with clear, accessible information on what the public should do if they are concerned for a child's welfare.

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  • Good practice examples needed around pregnancy and maternity services

    Date: 19th July 2012
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The NHS Health Scotland Equality team is looking for good practice examples and case studies around pregnancy and maternity services to share on the Equality team website.

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  • Scottish charities call for smacking ban

    Date: 17th July 2012
    Category: Equal protection from violence, General measures of implementation

    A group of children's charities has called for a ban on smacking youngsters to be introduced to Scotland.

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  • Consultation on proposed updated standards for the Baby Friendly Initiative

    Date: 17th July 2012
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    UNICEF UK has launched a consultation on proposed updated standards for the Baby Friendly Initiative.

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  • Commission on a Bill of Rights: A Second Consultation

    Date: 12th July 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Commission's second consultation, published on 11 July 2012, seeks further views from the public.

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  • UNICEF UK in Wales

    Date: 4th July 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    UNICEF UK ran a workshop on sustainable development at 'Taking the Rights Steps Children's Rights: Wales and the World', a major international conference that focused on the human rights of children and young people, and was held at Swansea University supported by the Welsh Government.

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