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  • The Scottish Attainment Challenge

    Date: 2nd February 2022
    Category: Education, including vocational education

    Closing date: 8th February 2022   

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  • Public Sector Equality Duty review

    Date: 2nd February 2022

    Closing date: 7th March 2022

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  • Human Rights Act Reform: A Modern Bill of Rights

    Date: 2nd February 2022
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    Closing date: 8th March 2022

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  • Prevention of Homelessness Duties

    Date: 2nd February 2022
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Closing date: 31st March 2022

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  • Bairns’ Hoose (Scottish Barnahus) standards engagement work

    Date: 17th December 2021
    Category: Health and health services

    Closing date: 1st December 2021 – 31st January 2022

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  • Children's Parliament turns 25!

    Date: 17th December 2021

    Happy birthday to Children’s Parliament, who turn 25 this year! The organisation was founded in 1996 by Co-directors Cathy McCulloch and Colin Morrison who were inspired by a child’s opinion that every town should have a ‘children’s parliament at the centre of it, somewhere for children and adults to meet and talk and be equal.’

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  • CYCJ stakeholder survey open

    Date: 17th December 2021

    The Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ) is seeking your views on children and justice in Scotland and is inviting stakeholders to complete a short, anonymous survey that will help shape its work.

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  • Together launches our Anti-Racism Action Plan

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

    Our Anti-Racism Action Plan sets out our commitment to become an anti-racist organisation and what steps we plan to take to do this. Our Plan is a living document, which will be adjusted as we continue to reflect and learn. We encourage you to share your feedback with us!

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  • Celebrating World Children’s Day

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Incorporation

    On 20th November 2021, we celebrated World Children’s Day. To mark this special day, Scottish Government published various reports, guidance and a video. Read our roundup here!

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  • Scottish Government commits to doubling Scottish Child Payment

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    After further pressure on Scottish Government to double the Scottish Child Payment to £20 per week, the First Minister has announced that this change will commence in April 2022.

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  • Increase in the age of criminal responsibility

    Date: 16th December 2021

    The final set of regulations to increase the age of criminal responsibility to 12 has been commenced as of the 17th of December 2021. These regulations will also switch on powers within the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019 to enable the police to investigate incidents. Whilst raising the minimum age to 12 years old is a starting point, it still remains below the internationally acceptable minimum age of criminal responsibility.

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  • Scottish Government asked for update on UNCRC incorporation

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Incorporation

    Sarah Boyack MSP has asked the Minister for Children and Young People, Claire Haughey, whether she can provide an update on Scottish Government’s plans to incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots Law. This comes after the Supreme Court Judgement on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill which deemed parts of the bill out with Scottish Government’s competence.

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  • 2020-21 Scottish Human Rights Commission and Children and Young People’s Commissioner annual reports published

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: General principles, General measures of implementation

    The Scottish Human Rights Commission and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner (CYPCS) have laid their annual reports before Scottish Government. In a year that was deeply affected by COVID-19, there was a sharp rise in demand for the their expertise and input given the serious human rights considerations arising from the pandemic.

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  • Education reform consultation closes

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Education, including vocational education

    Professor Ken Muir is currently conducting a consultation on education reform for Scottish Government. We have been working to involve children and young people in this consultation, by sharing toolkits and an online survey.

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  • First Minister confirms launch of free bus travel for under 22s

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    The First Minister has officially confirmed plans to launch free bus travel for under 22s on 31 January 2022. The transformational policy aims to embed sustainable travel behaviours early on and is essential in helping Scotland to tackle the climate emergency and meet the ambitious target to become net zero by 2045.

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  • Report published on parents’ experience of accessing funded ELC

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Social security

    The results of the Scottish Childminding Association’s (SCMA) Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Audit, which was conducted from August – September 2021 in 30 local authority areas, have been published. The SCMA ELC Audit 2021 presents both a snapshot of where we are in 2021 and a report on progress of over five years of national and local implementation activity to support ELC expansion.

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  • New report on families’ experiences of poverty and services

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Child poverty

    includem has launched its Voices Report, which focusses on families’ experiences of poverty and services and calls for children, young people and families having a say in what services are needed, how they are developed and how they can be delivered.

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  • Survey: Have you attended a protest or event?

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Freedom of association and peaceful assembly

    Police Scotland wants to hear from children and young people who have attended a protest or event, live near to where events take place or have any thoughts to share in general. Police Scotland wants to hear what children and young people think about its approach to keeping people safe to shape how it responds to events and protests in the future.  

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  • Young people’s health and wellbeing survey is now live

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Young people are encouraged to share their key issues in relation to health and wellbeing and to support discussions with young people, a conversational guide has been created.

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  • New approach: ‘Reimagining Justice with Children and Young People: Building Rights Respecting Services Together’

    Date: 16th December 2021
    Category: Child justice system

    A new initiative has been launched to support the design of rights-based services for and with children and young people on the cusp of or in conflict with the law. To do this, CYCJ will work with local authorities and organisations across Scotland to design and develop services based on the best available evidence about how to respect and uphold children’s rights and deliver on The Promise.

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Viewing page 21 of 148 giving 2942 results