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  • Play Scotland request for resources

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: Recreation, play and cultural activities

    Play Scotland is asking all organisations in the play sector to share their play and family-based resources which would help parents and families during this time.

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  • Seeking the views of children and young people

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, General principles

    Carers Trust Scotland is asking young carers to share their experience of being a young carer in school, university, college in Scotland, or who are in the process of applying to university or college. Clan Childlaw is seeking the insight from children, young people, family members, carers or professionals supporting children and young people about how COVID-19 is and lockdown is affecting them and what they think the long-term impact of the pandemic will be.

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  • Survey opened: Discovering the impact of school closures

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Following the closures of schools due to COVID-19, councils and schools are currently offering support for families and children. Parents or carers with school aged children can share their thoughts and experiences of the success of the support offered by government, councils and schools and identify areas of improvement.

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  • COVID-19: Survey results reveal further support should made available to care-experienced children

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Adoption UK ran a week-long survey in April for parents and carers of care-experienced children who would normally be in school. The UK-wide survey received 660 valid responses and found 85% of care-experienced children are not receiving additional support for their home-based learning. Following this finding, the organisation is calling on the governments in all four nations to provide additional funding and resources to help schools support these children.

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  • COVID-19: Joint NGO letter sent to UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    Over 40 NGOs issue a joint letter to encourage United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies to explore all possible options to ensure continuous monitoring of States’ compliance with their treaty obligations during the crisis.

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  • COVID-19: The impact of the pandemic on children with incarcerated parents

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: Children of prisoners

    States must remember that the children of those held in detention are rights holders, and that their rights and their best interests must be considered in all COVID-19 responses which impact upon them. This paper discusses the impact of the response taken by States and other actors upon children’s rights and offers recommendations to them to ensure these rights are safeguarded.

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  • COVID-19: Rethinking youth protests

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    Public health measures imposed globally to curb the pandemic have restricted public gatherings, this article discusses what impact this has on children and young people’s right to protest, what alternatives they have found to street protests and how organisations and parents can support their civic participation.  

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  • Launch of new database of Universal Periodic Review voluntary pledges and recommendations

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: Other human rights treaties and mechanisms, Policies & procedures, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    This database is a powerful tool to respect, protect and fulfil human rights and fundamental freedoms, as it includes more than 79,000 Universal Periodic Review recommendations and 1,500 voluntary pledges that States have made.

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  • OHCHR Media Guide to the new UN Independent Experts (2020)

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: Policies & procedures, Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC, Other human rights treaties and mechanisms

    This media guide provides information on the newly appointed Special Rapporteurs and Independent Experts, outlining their profile, role and how you can contact them.

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  • Parental Involvement Act - Statutory Guidance

    Date: 28th May 2020

    Closing date: 30th June 2020

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  • Scottish Youth Parliament 2021-26 Manifesto

    Date: 28th May 2020
    Category: General principles, General measures of implementation

    Closing date: 12th October 2020

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  • Scottish Government reports on its approach to children’s rights during COVID-19

    Date: 27th May 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    Scottish Government has published two documents on the steps it is taking to promote, protect and respect children’s human rights during the current pandemic. The reports were prepared in response to the statement by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in April which set out 11 recommendations on what governments should do to take a children’s rights-based approach to the crisis.

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  • Scottish Government introduces new Coronavirus Bill

    Date: 15th May 2020
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The new Bill adds to the changes made by earlier legislation which passed in April 2020. It introduces changes to some of the duties on public services, support for carers and how the justice system operates.

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  • Together’s Director presents at UN briefing on children’s rights and COVID-19

    Date: 5th May 2020
    Category: General measures of implementation, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The virtual briefing allowed for an initial exchange between Permanent Missions to the United Nations, providing them an opportunity to hear directly from children about their experiences, raising awareness of existing guidance on adopting child rights-based responses, sharing examples of national implementation and identifying gaps where further guidance is needed.

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  • Scottish Government reiterates commitment to incorporation timetable

    Date: 5th May 2020
    Category: Incorporation

    Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Children and Young People, has restated Scottish Government’s commitment to incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) within the current parliamentary term and to introduce a Bill later this year. The commitment comes as Scottish Government works to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, which has seen its work reprioritised and changes to the legislative programme.

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  • COVID-19: Together’s members write to new Interim Director of Children and Families

    Date: 1st May 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care, Incorporation

    The joint letter welcomes Iona Colvin to the post and offers our members’ support and expertise in assisting Scottish Government to secure appropriate rights-based responses to the current pandemic.

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  • COVID-19: Together examines the human rights implications of UK Government’s crisis response

    Date: 1st May 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Family Environment and Alternative Care, General measures of implementation

    Together’s response to a UK Parliament Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) inquiry highlights the steps governments (UK and devolved) must take to ensure responses are human rights compliant, discusses the effect of specific measures on children’s rights and uses evidence kindly provided by our members to demonstrate some of the groups disproportionately impacted by UK and Scottish Government measures.

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  • Edinburgh University students present research findings to Scottish Government

    Date: 1st May 2020
    Category: Incorporation

    Together has been working with the University of Edinburgh to co-deliver the Human Rights Clinic course.  The aim of the project was to support Scottish Government’s understanding about where current law can be improved as it develops legislation to incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law.

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  • Scottish Youth Parliament holds virtual awards ceremony

    Date: 1st May 2020

    The annual Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) Awards recognise and celebrate the amazing work of Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) and their Support Workers. This year in place of an event at the Scottish Parliament the award ceremony was held on Twitter.

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  • People in Scottish prisons may soon have access to secure mobile phones and tablets to contact their families

    Date: 1st May 2020
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Civil Rights and Freedoms, Family Environment and Alternative Care, Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    The Scottish Government and the Scottish Prison Service have announced plans to give people in Scottish prisons access to secure mobile phones and tablets to facilitate contact with their families.

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