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  • Consultation on draft Statutory Guidance for Named Person, Child’s Plan and wellbeing

    Date: 16th February 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation

    A consultation seeking views on draft Statutory Guidance for parts 4, 5 and 18 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act has been launched and responses are welcomed until 1st May 2015.

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  • Second evidence session by UK Joint Committee on Human Rights on UNCRC compliance

    Date: 11th February 2015
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC

    The UK Joint Committee on Human Rights is running a short inquiry into UK compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and has now held two evidence sessions.

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  • Children in Scotland appoints 21-year-old to its board

    Date: 11th February 2015
    Category: General principles

    One of Scotland's youngest ever Board members has taken up his new role at Children in Scotland, pledging to support the organisation's strategic vision.

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  • Together's child rights blog

    Date: 10th February 2015
    Category: Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC, Incorporation

    An exciting space to learn more about children's rights, with regular articles from our members and other experts in human rights on issues facing children in Scotland.

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  • Report suggests pupil participation in school life is key to doing well

    Date: 10th February 2015
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    Schools that encourage young people to participate in how they're run are also schools where pupils do well, highlights new research conducted for Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People.

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  • New bill aims to support children of offenders

    Date: 5th February 2015
    Category: Children of prisoners

    The Support for Children (Impact of Parental Imprisonment) (Scotland) Bill was launched on Thursday 5th February 2015 and is now seeking responses as part of the consultation.

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  • Minutes published for Scottish Child Rights Implementation Monitoring Group

    Date: 2nd February 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The latest meeting of the Scottish Child Rights Implementation Monitoring Group (SCRIMG) took place on Friday 19th December 2014 and minutes from the meeting along with a one-page summary have been published.

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  • Joint Committee on Human Rights to take evidence on UNCRC compliance

    Date: 2nd February 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation

    On 4th February 2015 the UK Parliament Joint Committee on Human Rights will review its work in the area of children's rights since the 2010 Election and the commitment to give "due consideration" to the UNCRC when making new policy or legislation.

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  • Intersectional childhoods: resources and networks

    Date: 2nd February 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation

    A selection of resources are now available following completion of the seminar series 'Children's Rights, Social Justice and Social Identities in Scotland: Intersections in Research, Policy and Practice', funded by the Scottish Universities Insight Institute in 2013-14.

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  • Concern raised over proposals for UK Counter Terrorism Bill

    Date: 30th January 2015
    Category: Non-discrimination, General measures of implementation

    Together has co-signed a letter to the Herald highlighting the implications of proposals outlined in a UK Government consultation on a Counter Terrorism Bill.

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  • Stage 1 report on Mental Health (Scotland) Bill published

    Date: 29th January 2015
    Category: Mental health

    The Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee has published its Stage 1 Report on Mental Health (Scotland) Bill, reporting to the Parliament on the general principles of the Bill.

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  • POVERTY: See it Change it survey launched

    Date: 23rd January 2015
    Category: Child poverty

    The Scottish Youth Parliament has launched a survey to better understand the views of young people in relation to poverty in Scotland.

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  • Court rules on Named Person judicial review

    Date: 22nd January 2015
    Category: General measures of implementation, Family Environment and Alternative Care

    A Court ruling has refused a petition against the "Named Person" provisions contained in Part 4 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, on all counts.

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  • Can you help shape services for looked after children and young people?

    Date: 15th January 2015
    Category: Care Experienced children

    The Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum has launched a survey to gather views on the provisions in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 which relate to looked after children, care leavers and the professionals who support them.

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  • Will further devolution help to reduce poverty in Scotland?

    Date: 13th January 2015
    Category: Child poverty

    Jim McCormick, Scotland's adviser to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, has examined the Smith Commission report and has highlighted that by omitting supporting with childcare costs, it falls short on poverty reduction.

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  • Consultation on the educational attainment gap in schools

    Date: 12th January 2015

    The Scottish Parliament's Education and Culture Committee is undertaking work on the educational attainment gap in schools and is seeking written evidence.

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  • British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill

    Date: 1st January 2015
    Category: Disabled children

    A Bill to promote the use of British Sign Language was introduced by Mark Griffin MSP on 29th October 2014 and the Scottish Parliament Education and Culture Committee has issued a call for evidence with a closing date for submissions of 2nd February 2015.

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  • Working at the edge: childcare briefing

    Date: 31st December 2014
    Category: Child poverty

    The 'Working at the Edge' series examines the problems that households face due to in-work poverty and this briefing focuses on childcare, highlighting recent legislative developments and the issues which need to be tackled.

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  • Social Justice Begins with Babies

    Date: 31st December 2014
    Category: Incorporation, Protection from abuse or neglect

    The first annual report of Scotland's coalition Putting the Baby IN the Bath Water was published in December 2014 and highlights the work of the Coalition and recommendations for the coming year.

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  • New Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill for Scotland

    Date: 12th December 2014
    Category: Special protection measures

    Introduced by the Scottish Government, this Bill will establish a specific law to address trafficking & exploitation through slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour.

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