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  • Growing up in Scotland report from 'Birth Cohort 2' released

    Date: 19th February 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The first findings from 'Birth Cohort 2' of Growing Up in Scotland's longitudinal research study were published on 19th February 2013.

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  • National Guidance for Child Protection review

    Date: 19th February 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    WithScotland have opened a consultation on The National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland which will close on 31st March 2013.

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  • Early Years Collaborative: first learning event

    Date: 18th February 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Presentations and video summaries are available for the first learning sessions of the Early Years Collaborative that took place on the 24th and 25th January 2013.

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  • Family Nurse Partnership: third evaluation report

    Date: 18th February 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The third interim evaluation report of the NHS Lothian Family Nurse Partnership programme is now available, covering the programme's delivery in the infancy period (from 6 weeks to first Birthday).

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  • RCPCH recruitment for Youth Advisory Panel

    Date: 15th February 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) are about to begin a new recruitment phase for young people to join their Youth Advisory Panel.

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  • New Policy and Research Internship at Together

    Date: 12th February 2013
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    Together are currently advertising a new Policy and Research internship role. The closing date is 25th February 2013.

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  • Midlothian Community Safety Partnership Fund now open

    Date: 12th February 2013

    The Community Safety Partnership Fund is provided on an annual basis by Midlothian Council to offer financial support to community groups and agencies to support community safety related projects and initiatives.

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  • Local action to tackle child poverty in Scotland

    Date: 8th February 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Save the Children Scotland has recently published a report, co-authored by Eurochild member John McKendrick, which reviews how child poverty is being tackled locally in Scotland, UK.

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  • Children in Scotland respond to update on the Scottish Budget Bill

    Date: 8th February 2013
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities

    Children in Scotland responded to an update provided by John Swinney regarding the decision not to extend additional childcare to 2 year olds.

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  • Safer Internet Day 2013: ‘connect with respect’

    Date: 5th February 2013

    On 5th February, Safer Internet Day 2013, the Commission presented the results of joint work of media, technology, telecoms and online companies undertaken since their December 2011 commitment to make the internet a better and safer place for kids.

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  • Safer Internet: the digital universe of your children

    Date: 4th February 2013

    European Schoolnet, together with Liberty Global, have launched an animation supported by the European Comission which is aimed at educating parents on children's safety online: The Digital Universe of Your Children.

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  • Eurofound project on assessing childcare services in Europe

    Date: 4th February 2013
    Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care

    The 2013 work plan of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions plans to conduct a study to assess childcare services in Europe.

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  • Children's rights on the agenda for the next Human Rights Council

    Date: 4th February 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    Children's Rights will feature prominently on the agenda at the Human Rights Council's 22nd Session (25 February to 22 March 2013), most notably during the Annual Day on the Rights of the Child - this year focusing on the right to health - scheduled to take place on 7 March 2013.

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  • UK Justice Secretary defends child smacking

    Date: 4th February 2013
    Category: Civil Rights and Freedoms

    UK Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, has defended parents' 'right' to smack. A spokesperson for the children's charity, NSPCC, said: "There are more positive ways to discipline children and a clear message that hitting anyone is not right would benefit all of society."

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  • Article 31 General Comment adopted

    Date: 3rd February 2013
    Category: UK 1st periodic review

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child adopted the General Comment on article 31 of the UNCRC on 1st of February 2013.

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  • UNICEF UK launch the IF Campaign

    Date: 31st January 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    UNICEF UK joined with over 100 other organisations to launch the 'Enough Food for Everyone IF' Campaign at Somerset House on 23 January 2013.

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  • Action on child sexual exploitation

    Date: 30th January 2013
    Category: Access to appropriate information

    A programme of action to tackle child sexual exploitation in Scotland was announced last month by Minister for Children and Young People Aileen Campbell.

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  • Ireland's EU Presidency to focus on supporting youth employment

    Date: 29th January 2013
    Category: Respect for the views of the child

    Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs has said that Ireland's Presidency of the EU Council of Youth Ministers will focus on the role of youth work in supporting youth employment and the importance of quality standards in youth work.

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  • Netherlands Youth Institute presents report on child welfare in Europe

    Date: 29th January 2013
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    The Netherlands Youth Institute outlined the child welfare systems of Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden in its report 'Jeugdzorg in Europa versie 2.0' ('Child welfare in Europe version 2.0').

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  • What works in tackling child abuse and neglect?

    Date: 29th January 2013
    Category: General measures of implementation

    A manual has been created by the Netherlands Youth Institute as the main outcome of the Daphne Project 'Prevent and Combat Child Abuse: What works? An overview of regional approaches, exchange and research' that was funded by the European Commission.

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Viewing page 128 of 147 giving 2924 results