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  • St Nicholas Care Grant Funding

    Date: 13th April 2012

    St Nicholas Care Fund encourages applications from groups and organisations working with people in need in the following categories:

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  • Committee to Examine the Reality of Gypsy/Traveller Lives

    Date: 12th April 2012
    Category: Non-discrimination, General measures of implementation

    The reality of life for Gypsy/Travellers is to be examined by the Scottish Parliament's Equal Opportunities Committee as part of an inquiry into accommodation.

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  • Comic Relief Announces New Funding Round

    Date: 10th April 2012

    Comic Relief has announced that its UK grants programmes are now open for applications.

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  • New Enquire film launched! The Learners' Perspective

    Date: 3rd April 2012
    Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    In Enquire's new film, young people share their views on how their school experience is affected by being in care, being a young mum, having Asperger's or other learning difficulties, and the support that has helped them get the most out of their education.

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  • Children's Rights and Business Principles

    Date: 3rd April 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation, UK 1st periodic review

    From today, a landmark set of 10 principles are available to ensure that companies respect and support children's rights.

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  • Call for submissions on Child Rights & Business General Comment

    Date: 3rd April 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation, UK 1st periodic review

    The UN Committee is in the process of drafting a General Comment on Children's Rights and Business and has prepared an annotated outline to guide its further deliberations.

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  • X-ray pilot for child asylum-seekers sparks outrage

    Date: 2nd April 2012
    Category: Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

    The United Kingdom's four children's commissioners have slammed a Home Office pilot scheme to use dental X-rays to determine the age of asylum-seeking children.

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  • AB Charitable Trust

    Date: 26th March 2012

    AB Charitable Trust supports charities that defend human rights, such as freedom from torture and arbitrary imprisonment, and promote respect for individuals whatever their circumstances.

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  • Ironmongers’ Company

    Date: 26th March 2012

    The Ironmongers' Company wishes to support projects that provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people to fulfil their potential.

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  • The Weavers Company Benevolent Fund

    Date: 26th March 2012

    The Weavers Company Benevolent Fund aims to help young people at risk of criminal involvement to stay out of trouble and assist in the rehabilitation of young offenders both in prison and after release.

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  • No relief for third sector in UK? Budget

    Date: 26th March 2012

    Groups were left reeling this week by a Budget that failed to deliver little respite for the third sector.

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  • Gannochy Trust

    Date: 26th March 2012

    The Gannochy Trust has funding for charities through four themes: inspiring young people; improving the quality of life of the disadvantaged and vulnerable; supporting and developing community amenities and care for the natural and man-made environment.

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  • The United Kingdom juvenile justice system should focus more on rehabilitation

    Date: 23rd March 2012
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Equal protection from violence

    In a letter to the UK, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, urges more of a focus on rehabilitation of youth offenders.

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  • Your priorities for a Carers Parliament

    Date: 19th March 2012
    Category: Disabled children, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Scotland's first Carers Parliament will be held on Monday 1 October 2012 in the Scottish Parliament.

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  • Baily Thomas Charitable Fund (1)

    Date: 19th March 2012

    The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund is a registered charity which was established to support projects in the area of learning disability and to aid the care and relief of those affected by learning disability by making grants to voluntary organisations within the UK and the Republic of Ireland working in this field.

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  • Young Start Fund 2012

    Date: 16th March 2012

    A new fund aimed at unlocking the potential of Scotland's children and young people has been launched by the Big Lottery Fund.

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  • Inquiry into the role and independence of the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England

    Date: 13th March 2012
    Category: General measures of implementation

    The Joint Committee on Human Rights today announces a short inquiry into the role and independence of the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England.

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  • Child mental health should be priority

    Date: 12th March 2012
    Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

    Young children taken into care in Scotland can suffer from long-term mental health problems which desperately need to be tackled according to a major charity.

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  • Terrence Higgins Trust - Hardship Fund re-launched

    Date: 9th March 2012

    The Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is the leading HIV and sexual health charity in the UK. The Trust has re-launched its national Hardship Fund which provides financial assistance for people living with HIV who are in severe financial need.

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  • Volant Charitable Trust

    Date: 5th March 2012

    The Trust which was set up by the author J K Rowling has two broad areas of funding: Research into the causes, treatment and possible cures of Multiple Sclerosis; and charities and projects that alleviate social deprivation, with a particular emphasis on women's and children's issues.

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Viewing page 134 of 147 giving 2924 results